Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Magnetic Launch Pad of the Future

Today’s Astronauts are trained to handle forces up to 9Gs. Comparing it with normal humans we cannot with stand forces more than 3Gs. Well breaking all rules a California based company, Launchpoint Technologies is developing a new technology that will exert a 10,000G force on the payload.

The design looks simple on paper with huge magnetic motors that will accelerate the payload in a circular 1.5-mile radius tunnel until the projectile reaches a speed of 6 miles per hour.

On reaching the critical speed a laser will direct the projectile to the launch ramp and into space. The projectile will only be equipped with a small rocket engine that will guide it to orbit once it is out of the earth’s atmosphere.

The U.S. Air Force is showing some interest in the idea and has granted the company a $500,000 capital to prove the idea. Launchpoint Technologies believes that the launch will cost under $50,000 and will be beneficial to provide food and other supplies to the astronauts.

The company also commented that anything that can handle the intense 10,000 G force can be shot into space with the technology that the company aims to fully develop in the next four years.

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